Exterior Pricing

Because there are so many variables on the exterior surface an on-site estimate is the only way to accurately produce a cost estimate. However, please find the following pricing guidelines to help approximate the cost of your project:

How Much Does Exterior Painting Cost?

Exterior painting expenses differ based on your space and your needs. Our exterior painters at Frederick Painting & Supply, Inc., in Frederick, MD, can only provide an accurate price estimate by visiting the work site. However, with our decades of experience with exterior painting and its prices, we have some rough pricing guidelines that may help you.

Exterior Painters in Frederick, MD
Smooth Surface Siding $150 to $225 per 100 Sq Ft
Stucco Wall $250 to $400 per 100 Sq Ft
Brick Wall $200 to $300 per 100 Sq Ft
Synthetic Shutters $142 Pair
Exterior Door $140 Each
Overhang Boxing (Fascia, Soffit Gutters) $3 to $10 Per Linear Ft
Window Frame $80 to $160 Each
Surface Preparation $60 per hour

* The pricing list serves as a guide only and not an offer. While the prices are accurate other conditions may affect the overall price such as surface condition, access difficulty, age of building and surface prep required. Surface Preparation not included.

For more information about your exterior painting costs, consult our FAQ page or give us a call at 301-473-4773.